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Rates continue to skyrocket

The per kWh price of electricity can fluctuate dramatically on a daily basis, especially during the winter season. That’s due to several factors, including weather and power distribution. But, there are some things you can do to help ensure that you’re not paying more for your energy.

The price of natural gas, the most common fuel for electricity generation in Massachusetts and in much of New England, has increased sharply, Eversource told regulators last month. The utility has argued that the war in Ukraine, global market demand and increased inflation are all contributing to higher rates. But the utility also has said that it may not be able to meet demand for electricity if the winter gets colder than expected.


Representatives John Barrett (D-Berkshire) and Paul Mark (D-Berkshire) are among those who have signed the most recent letter. They’re asking the DPU to revisit the process for setting electricity and natural gas rates.

They say they’re frustrated with how it’s set up, which has led to increased energy costs. The DPU’s “system is broken,” they say, and they’re seeking action from the agency that oversees utilities in the state.

The DPU is reviewing National Grid’s rate changes for heating and electric customers. The utility implemented an increase to electric bills for a typical customer from $179 last winter to approximately $293 this winter – a 64% increase. It has also proposed to raise heating bills for customers in the former Columbia Gas and NSTAR gas territories by about 22% or 24% from last winter.

While the DPU’s review is pending, the company has offered to help customers with their energy bills. They’ve put together a website called Energy Switch that offers information on ways to save money and has a variety of resources available.

For example, Eversource has a program to offer free energy assessments and also has energy efficiency programs. They have also put together “Winter Customer Savings Webinars” that are meant to help residents manage their bills and find ways to save on energy costs.

Another way to save on your power bill is by using renewable energy sources, such as solar. Currently, there are many different incentives in place for solar production in Massachusetts.

If you’re interested in learning more about solar options for your home or business, check out the energy companies in your area and find one that can provide you with a customized energy plan. There are many types of solar systems on the market, so make sure you choose the best one for your needs and budget.

The average Massachusetts homeowner is likely to save between $800 and $1,700 yearly by installing a solar panel system on their property. To calculate how much you can save, you’ll need to determine your current consumption and how much energy you want to produce.

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